Before Appointment

  • Check if you should fast or adhere to any medication restrictions before your appointment
  • If you have any of the below documents, you may want to bring them along with you:
    • Test results, X-rays, medical histories relating to your medical problem
    • Any other related documents relating to your condition
    • Medication list – prescribed, over-the-counter, herbs
  • Prepare a list of questions/concerns you wish to address with your doctor.
  • Dress comfortably and bring along a light jacket, shawl or scarf, in case you feel cold.
  • Pack some water and snacks just in case.
  • Come with someone if you need assistance.

During Appointment

Remember to address all of your concerns to your doctor.
Below are some common questions you may wish to consider asking.

About Your Symptoms or Diagnosis

  • What is my diagnosis?
  • How severe is my condition?
  • What are the potential causes of my symptoms?
  • What tests, if any, do I need to confirm the diagnosis?
  • What is the short-term and long-term prognosis for my disease or condition?
  • What can I do to prevent this condition from worsening or recurring?

About Your Treatment Options

  • What are my treatment options and related side effects, if any?
  • What are the potential benefits and risks of each treatment option?
  • How long will my treatment take?
  • What are the cost(s) involved?
  • Which treatment is most common for my disease or condition?
  • Are there any alternative or complementary therapies I should consider?


  • What is the surgical procedure called and why do I need it?
  • Are there alternatives to surgery?
  • What is the average length of stay in hospital and recovery time for this surgery?
  • What is the cost of the surgery?


  • What are the lifestyle and dietary changes (if any) I should consider to improve my health?
  • How will this condition affect my daily life and activities?


  • What are the medications I need to take, and its side effects?


  • How often should I follow up with you or another healthcare provider?
  • Are there any warning signs or symptoms I should watch out for?

Keep calm and take notes if needed.

After Appointment

Scheduling your next visit

  • Remember to schedule your follow-up appointment before leaving the clinic.
  • Ensure you ask all your questions during your visit. Obtain the clinic’s phone number, so if you have any doubts afterward, you can always call for clarification.
  • If you require further consultation with another doctor, it’s important to arrange this before you depart the hospital or schedule an appointment as soon as possible.


  • If you require hospitalisation, we will arrange your admission process smoothly and efficiently.